Image Source: dAvid Adsum 


有一首歌,我們聽過,在年輕的歲月中,有一首歌,我們再次聽見,在我們的驚天動地中,這首歌就是《We Are The World》,不就是他帶給人世間最美的喝采嗎?身為作曲者之一的Michael Jackson,在1985年與Lionel Richie共同譜寫出這首世界之歌,超越種族與世界之牆,即使到了2010年,我們仍然別無選擇,還是用這首歌作為世界公益之曲(海地震災/賑災),只是這一次,他因故未能出席這首歌的再次發表。我不禁沉思,最貴的財富是愛,最大的力量是愛,最美的溝通是音樂

雖然1983到1986年有二到三年的間隔,但Lionel並未閒置工作,除了新專輯的準備外,1985年Lionel Richie與流行天王Michael Jackson共襄盛舉(援助非洲饑荒),齊為「USA for Africa」譜寫出《We Are The Wrld》之天曲,詞簡意深,曲優和眾,全球響應,除了如秋風掃落葉式地在各國排行榜的奪冠,此曲彷彿就是像地球之歌,席捲世界各個角落,老少咸宜,數週內即熱賣不止,高達7、8百萬之譜。第28屆(1985)葛萊美音樂獎即為囊中物,得來全憑真功夫,包括:年度最佳歌曲(Song Of The Year)、年度最佳錄音(Record Of The Year)、最佳流行音樂團體演唱獎(Best Pop Performance by A Duo or Group With Vocal),當然每位參與此單曲錄製的工作人員、歌手們皆與有榮焉、功在世界舞台。

自從《We Are The Wrld》的成功與風行,Andy就深感音樂傳播的附加價值實在勝於任何口號,藝人與歌手的號召力與凝聚人心的能力實超出一般人的想像,直至今日,許多義賣與義演不約而同皆採取相似的模式以進行,我們真的該感謝前輩們當年的義舉與典範,讓後來的義行得以順利倣效。話說回來,雖然台灣很小,1985年卻沒有缺席,我們何其有幸在歌壇裡擁有像羅大佑先生這樣的瑰寶,他在當年譜寫出《明天會更好》(曲:羅大佑;詞:羅大佑、張大春、許乃勝、李壽全、邱復生、張艾嘉、詹宏志等藝文巨擘共同作詞,陳志遠編曲),此曲堪稱是華人世界的公益神曲,至今遂成經典,難以被超越,筆者何其榮幸見證了當年的風華絕代與台灣歌手們的驚才絕艷。

Rain Andy 


USA for Africa - We are the World



We Are The World 25 For Haiti - Official Video


Recorded on February 1st, 2010, in the same studio as the original 25 years earlier (Henson Recording Studios, formerly A&M Recording Studios) "We Are The World 25 For Haiti", in which Quincy Jones and Lionel Richie serve as executive producers and producers, was created in collaboration with executive producers Wyclef Jean, Randy Phillips and Peter Tortorici; producers Humberto Gattica and RedOne; and co-producers Rickey Minor, Mervyn Warren and Patti Austin to benefit the Haitian earthquake relief efforts and the rebuilding of Haiti.

Academy Award-winning writer-director Paul Haggis (Crash, Million Dollar Baby), whose own personal efforts as well as those of Artists for Peace and Justice have already saved countless lives in Haiti, filmed the private recording session to create the accompanying video and behind-the-scenes production, and serves as Film Director and as an Executive Producer with Jones, Richie, Jean, Phillips and Tortorici.

The 25th Anniversary recording features over 80 artists and performers. The recording of We Are The World 25 For Haiti embodied the same enthusiasm, sense of purpose and generosity as the original recording 25 years ago. Every one of the artists who participated, regardless of genre or generation, walked into the room with their hearts and souls completely open to coming together to help the people of Haiti.



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    Rain Andy

    西洋音樂 - 未央歌 - 80's Pop Music

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