Image Source: Russell Bride
Image Source: Martin Pettitt
今晚為您點播的是「If You Love Me (Really Love Me)」,當年的我因為這則廣告而初識這首歌,由法文翻唱的英文歌,版本過多,美吾髮可以告訴我是誰唱的嗎?簡明的歌詞﹝不代表沒有深意﹞,一點都不拐彎抹角,適合落落大方的女生來表白!
If You Love Me (Really Love Me)
Source: 美吾髮葵花洗髮精【解放篇】
If You Love Me (Really Love Me)
If the sun should tumble from the sky
If the sea should suddenly run dry
If you love me, really love me
Let it happen I won't care
If it seems that everything is lost
I will smile and never count the cost
If you love me,really love me
Let it happen, darling, I won't care ...
lyrics:Geoffrey Parsons
Music:Édith Piaf