
根據新聞報導,5月23日,2012年,美國德州蒙哥馬利郡 (Texas Montgomery County) 法官 Lanny Moriaty 以曠課法 (Truancy Laws) 判處曠課的17歲高二榮譽學生 Diane(越南裔)坐牢24小時並罰款100美金。法警當庭將 Diane 逮捕。(相當有正義感的網友 CDL 的網誌說明: )。

這位法官應該沒有想到自己的朽木之槌可以敲出輿論嘩然之後果。之後更有正義人士為 Diane 發起援救活動 ( ) ,Andy 為其命名為「搶救黛安女孩」 (Saving Girl Diane ) ,理由是這一幕荒唐的情景令我想到電影《搶救雷恩大兵》(Saving Private Ryan),沒想到現實生活中的主角換成了年輕的越南裔美國女學生,還好美國社會各界並不太能接受這位法官自以為是的「正義之槌」,全球不少網友也慷慨解囊以行動支持努力為生活奮鬥的 Diane。這更令 Andy 想到另一部電影《軍官與魔鬼》(A Few Good Men)中的對白:「Dawson said: ...We were supposed to fight for the people who couldn't fight for themselves」"。而這次是「A Few Good Women」。

你有很大的權力,但你沒有盡法定義務去發掘真相,而且這位法官本身也有不良紀錄 (原始資料新聞報導),若要人不知,除非己不為,正義這次站在女孩這一方 (This time, Justice is on Diane's side, Thank all people who gave Diane helps with integrity, kind and love heart, Great America ) 。

對於冷血又無情的人,Andy 謹此以詞相贈,希望不要有人對號入座:


"King of the Evil"

My life is bored

My heart is cold

I saw an angel 

crying out alone 

of that I'm not sure 

She flied with no school

not even home

Her tears dropped to the hell I belong

She was not with another green soul 

So I decided to give her a hold

You're beautiful 

You're beautiful

It's true they thought

I saw your face in my rich place 

And I do know I have to do

No one is allowed to be like you

Yeah... you caught people's eyes

As my gavel was falling by the wayside

You couldn't see my angry 

from my red red eyes

that was hell fire 

And I don't think I will see you one more time

'Cause justice standing between you and I 

And It's time to face the truth 

'Cause I never tried in front of you

Rain Andy

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    Rain Andy

    西洋音樂 - 未央歌 - 80's Pop Music

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